Stalking is a crime that can have a devastating impact on the victim’s life. It’s often underreported, and people who are stalked often don’t know what to do to get help. This article will discuss everything you need to know about stalking and stalkers, so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones. ..
Stalking epidemic
There are many ways to get help if you are being stalked. If you feel like you are in danger, the best thing to do is to go to a police station or a mental health professional. If you can’t go to a police station or mental health professional, there are other ways to get help. For example, online resources can provide information on how to report stalking incidents.
According to 2019 data by BJS, “about 1.3% (3.4 million) of all persons age 16 or older were victims of stalking, and an there’s an estimation of 67% of victims of both traditional stalking and cyberstalking were fearful of being killed or physically harmed.” Other reports also showed that more than 50% of stalking victims end up getting murdered. The craziest thing is most stalkers don’t stalk strangers but their loved ones like ex-girlfriends or family members. It makes you think twice when trusting your friends or even your family members.
The Psychology of Stalking
Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a stalker? Sources say that stalkers usually have some form of personality disorder and mental illness, but most of their personality disorder is usually more dominant. Some personality disorders stalkers have are narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial disorders. ..
- To get close to their target
- To control or manipulate their victim
- To gain revenge on someone they have wronged
- To build a relationship with their target
Rejection can lead to stalking and harassment in a number of different situations. In romantic relationships, rejection can cause a stalker to harass their victim in order to get them back. This can happen not only in cases of failed relationships, but also in cases where the victim is simply not interested in the stalker. In friendships and family relationships, rejection can lead to stalking and harassment when the stalker tries to make their victim miserable for revenge. ..
The study found that a man who stalked the doctor he believed failed to diagnose his wife for cancer felt humiliated and experienced injustice.
Predatory (sexual)
stalking is a crime that can be committed by anyone, regardless of their gender. Predatory stalkers, or those who seek to take advantage of someone’s vulnerability, tend to be men. This is because they crave and want to be in control over someone, getting sexual satisfaction through voyeurism or assault. even though the reason for this kind of stalking is sexual, predatory stalkers get the most satisfaction from the feeling of power and seeing their victims in pain and submissive.
Intimacy seekers
Celebrities areprone to this kind of stalker. Intimacy seeker stalkers believe that they could have a relationship with their victim and the victim is their true love. Intimacy seeker stalking cases are frequently found in South Korea, where fans tend to be super protective and obsessive over their idols (K-Pop Idols). It’s so extreme to the point that the stalkers will track their idol’s schedule and even try to be on the same flight as them, along with sending gifts, love letters, and death threats.
An incompetent stalker is someone who is very careless with their personal information and relationships. They may not be very good at following through on their promises, or they may just be a bit too friendly with people they meet. This can lead to them being stalked by someone who is more interested in getting close to them than in getting to know them.
In most states, stalking is so bad that it has become an epidemic. Especially with technology these days, authorities have reported a vast rise in cyberstalking. Unfortunately, stalking is one of those crimes that tend to be acted on when it’s already too late. Although there is no single profile for stalkers, there are four different types of stalkers. In general, stalkers come from a place of jealousy, delusion, and anger. It’s important not to overlook stalking and create better laws globally to prevent more stalking victims in the future. Stalking is scary as most stalkers tend to be close to the victims, making all of us have a possibility of being a stalking victim. Protect your privacy, be careful of who you trust, and always be cautious of your surroundings.
There is no definitive answer to this question as stalking can be perpetrated by anyone, regardless of their social status or wealth. However, certain individuals are more likely to be stalked than others. These include: -People who are vulnerable or have a low self-esteem -People who are new to a city or town -People who are isolated or have few friends -People who are perceived as being different from the majority population ..
Stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted contact that can include following, watching, or sending unwanted messages or gifts. Women adults between 18 to 30 years old are most likely to be stalked. ..
There is no definitive answer to this question, as stalking can be seen as a variety of different behaviors that can be considered mental illnesses. However, some experts believe that stalking may be a form of mental illness, as it can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.
Some stalkers have mental illnesses that cause them to do such acts.