Your heating bill has been high because your heating system is stuck on aux heat.

In recent years, homeowners have been asking more and more questions about heating and cooling systems in their homes. Are they getting the right kind of heat, and is it keeping them comfortable?

If you are a Homeowner, you should ask questions about the type of heating or cooling system to use. Knowing the different heating types would help you make the right judgment as to how to keep your house cozy and comfortable when the weather is cold outside

Auxiliary heat is only meant to be turned on when the temperature outside is below 40 degrees. If the weather conditions are hotter or more than the freezing level, the auxiliary heater should be off automatically.

Aux Heat On My Thermostat. What does that even mean?

In the United States, aux heat is a supplementary heat source that can be used in place of emergency heat. Aux heat is a supplemental heat source that can be used in place of emergency heat when there is not enough emergency heat available.

Your thermostat decides when it’s time for your auxiliary heat to come on; as soon as it detects that the temperature in your house has dropped below the normal temperature (typically 1.5-2 degrees), your thermostat empowers The aux heat pointer informing it of what is going on, and the need for a helper heat source (Aux heat).

When does Auxiliary Heat Come On?

When the weather is cold, if you live in a house, you should know that your heat pump can effectively extract warmth from the open air and channel it into your home, making it warm and comfortable. If your heat pump can no longer draw out warmth from the outside air quickly enough to warm your room, then Auxiliary heat will come to the rescue. Auxiliary heat is a form of supplemental heating that uses energy from an external source (such as a furnace) to supplement the warmth generated by a home’s heating system. ..

Your Aux Heat must run for a certain amount of time in order to function.

If the Auxiliary heat is always running throughout whenever your system is turned on non-stop, or it runs longer for 30- 40 minutes or does not turn off at all then you should consider fixing it.

How do I stop my Auxiliary heat from staying on

The simplest way to stop auxiliary heat from staying up is to control the temperature. This will keep the auxiliary heat from staying up and causing your room to get too warm.

The thermostat on your home’s thermostat screen scrolls to the temperature you set.

If your Configure Staging is set to Manually, click on the Aux Savings Optimization link in the staging area. The staging area is located in the Administration section of your account. ..

If your Configure Staging is set to automatically, then the Compressor to Aux Temperature Delta and Compressor to Aux runtime values will be determined by the settings in the Auto Configuration section of the Compressor Settings dialog box. ..

The ecobee will set your thermostat to automatic unless you have changed the settings before. ..

To adjust your other system threshold, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the “Other System” tab in the Settings menu.
  2. Under “System Threshold,” set the desired level of alertness.
  3. Click “Apply.” ..

My heat pump is not defrosting. ..

The new heart pumps that come with sensors that can detect when something isn’t working well will defrost the unit. During this cycle, hot air inside the house is steered to the curl to soften the snow or ice. ..

If your heat pump is in defrost mode, it may not be cooling your home as quickly as it should.

A fan in the outside unit isn’t running, and a flickering light on the actual unit to indicate it’s in defrost mode; in some models.


Auxiliary heat is an additional heat source for your home that can be turned on in case the normal source of heat is not enough. If there is a problem you can’t fix, reach out to the ecobee support system.

Auxiliary heat is a type of heat that is used in case of an emergency. Emergency heat is a type of heat that is used to keep people warm during the winter.

When the temperatures start to drop, your heat pump may not be able to deliver sufficient hot air to warm your home. In this case, you can turn on auxiliary heat. Auxiliary heat is also known as emergency heat. ..

How much does it cost to run auxiliary heat in a home?

Auxiliary heat is more expensive than normal heat. It is not the same as your normal heat source because auxiliary heat strips utilize more power than a heat pump.