Introduction to International Numeral System:

Counting systems are important when it comes to counting money, goods, or people. There are many different counting systems in use today, but the most common is numerical. This system uses numbers to represent objects or people. Before we can start counting, we need to learn about traditional counting systems. These systems were used in ancient times and are still used in some cultures today. ..

A numeral system is a communication system that uses numbers to represent quantities. The number in the numeral representation is called its value.

In the Numeral system, called a “placeholder”, adding one zero next to the number results in a multiplication of 10. This means that ten-time higher than the defined value.

We will overlook the Long and short-term implications of the situation.

The long scale is a measure of power, while the short scale is a measure of size. In Europe, long scale is used more often than short scale. However, in English and Arabic-speaking regions, short scale is used more often. Eventually, the UK adopted short scale for official purposes.

“ trillion” (1023) means 1023 million, “quadrillion” (1064) means 4 quadrillion.

long scale: “billion” (109) means a thousand million or more

The table lists the series of ten in order from largest to smallest. The list includes both positive and negative numbers. The table also includes the following:

  • The number of digits in each number
  • The order of the digits in each number
  • The size of each number
  • Positive and negative numbers

The table below depicts the series of ten. Apart from the below list, many more large numbers are listed in the numeral system. You can reach out later on. Name Number Number of Zeros Ten 101 1002 10003 100004 1000005 Million 10000006 Billion 10000000009 Trillion 100000000000012 Quadrillion 100000000000000015 Quintillion 100000000000000000018 Sextillion 100000000000000000000021 Septillion 100000000000000000000000024 Octillion 100000000000000000000000000027 Nonillion 100000000000000000000000000000030 Decillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00033 ..

How to differentiate million, billion, trillion?

One million: One thousand six hundred thousand (100,000×1000) or 106.


A billion is a thousand times one million or 109. ..

Nine zeros is a very large number. ..

The trillion is a very large number. It is equal to 1,000,000,000 times the number of years in a human’s life.

The number of zeros in 12 is 12.

The three sets of zeros are separated by a comma separator from the left to right for better understanding and readability.

The ideal way to remember the number of zeros is to use a system that uses a combination of digits and letters. This system can be called a “zeroes system.”

Don’t worry about remembering zeros in million, billion, trillion & so on and so forth. Just remember the rule: it’s very simple. ..

A million is composed of two sets of three zeros.

There are a total of nine zeros in a billion. ..

The trillion consists of four sets of three zeros (000,000,000,000), each set consisting of two zeros.

What is the largest number in the universe?

The largest number in the universe is googol. Googol is a combination of 100 zeros. Numerically written as 10100. Are you shocked after reading a hundred zeros? Wait… Another largest number persists beyond googol. The name is googolplex. Numerically it is written as 1010(100).  Googolplex is the largest existing number in the universe, but human beings are hardly in use with such a gigantic number.

  1. A million dollars
  2. A billion dollars
  3. A trillion dollars
  4. An entire galaxy

Nowadays, the best way to relate to a million is to consider it as the population of India, which is 1.39 billion people or 1393 million people. The population of the United States is 332 million people or 0.33 billion people. ..

The GDP of a country is the total value of all the goods and services produced by its citizens. The USA has an economy of 19 trillion, while China has a GDP of 12 trillion.

Six zeros are in a million. ..

How many zeros are in a billion? Ans: 9 zeros (1,000,000,000)

There are twelve zeros in a trillion. ..

The largest number in the universe is 1,000,000,000,000.


In this article, you will learn about the three types of numbers and how to use them in everyday life. You will also be able to understand how many zeros are on a million, how many zeros are on a billion, and how many zeros are on a trillion.