Why Does Target Not Allow Pets?

Target is one of many businesses that falls under the FDA regulation that bans live animals on their premises. This regulation is put in place to protect the food supply from being contaminated by unsanitary animals. ..

The first exception is when the person in question is the speaker or writer, and they are using their own words. In this case, they are free to use whatever words they want. The second exception is when a law or rule has been changed, and the new version of the rule is more restrictive than the old one. In this case, the new rule must be stated explicitly in a clear and concise way.

What Are Service Pets?

The ADA states that service animals help people living with disabilities to carry out specific tasks, which in turn helps them live a more independent life. People living with mental or physical difficulties that limit them from carrying out at least one of life’s key activities usually turn to service pets to mitigate the effects of their disability, which can substantially improve their quality of life. The ADA does not consider service animals as pets but as working animals, as opposed to ESA’s (Emotional Support Animals) which are just pets who do not perform any specific service action.

Types of Service Pets

  • Service animals that are trained to provide assistance with tasks that are difficult or impossible for people without disabilities.
  • Service animals that are used to comfort people with disabilities.
  • Service animals that are used to help people with physical disabilities.

Does Target Require You to Show Proof of Your Pet’s Service Status?

Target does not require you to show proof of your animal’s service status. Sometimes, businesses can find it difficult to ascertain an animal’s service status. More so when they are averse to customers bringing in pets in the first place. However, while businesses can legally ask about an animal’s service status, it is unlawful to require it as a condition for granting access to the animal and its owner access.


Target is a great place to shop, but if you have a service animal, be sure to leave them at home.

The ADA states that only dogs can be service animals.

People with disabilities have the right to publicize or not publicize their disability.