The Lowell Correctional Institution Annex is the other compartment of the main facility where women inmates between the ages of 59 and above are detained for their jail term. The annex includes a 240-bed solitary confinement unit for prisoners who pose a threat to other inmates.

Things to note about the prison facility

Correctional programs.

The religious and betterment programs offered by the church are extensive and include a variety of courses and programs that can help people improve their lives.

Ashland University College Program offers a variety of educational opportunities for adults who want to pursue a career in the arts. The program offers general education development, adult basic education, and special education services.

The architecture major at the university is very important in this aspect because it allows students to specialize in a specific field. Other fields that students may choose to major in include horse care, cosmetology, and computer support.

They also have drug abuse activities, and there are three specific areas under this:

Intensive Outpatient Services (IOS) are a type of outpatient service that is designed to provide care and treatment for patients who are experiencing serious mental health problems. IOS services are typically offered inpatient, and can last for up to six months.

There are also religious activities such as: There are also religious activities such as: There are also religious activities such as:

Chapel’s library management Religious and worship services at Chapel are managed by the library. Religious Educational Activities are also managed by the library.

While the lifestyle modification category boasts the most activities, they include weight loss, fitness, and health-related items.

The Compass 100 program offers freedom from alcohol and narcotics, as well as a variety of other programs to help inmates live a healthy and productive life while incarcerated. The Gavel Club provides inmates with opportunities to engage in constructive activities, such as dance, while also helping them develop relationships that can lead to future success. The Inmate Wellbeing Program offers support for inmates’ physical, mental, and emotional health, while the Library services offer access to books, magazines, and other materials. ..

The Establishment’s visiting policy

Time to visit.

This policy is in place to ensure that visitors are not only able to enter the park, but also that they are not coming in without proper identification.

The processing officers will verify your approval status and provide you with the necessary instructions.

Some searches will be conducted on you. At least three types of searches will be conducted, and they are mainly for concealed weapons, drugs, and contraband. The steps are: a manual search, a metal detector, and a canine search.

Once you have been cleared, you are then directed to the visiting venue.

Handling ill-treatment at the facility.

The American prison system is known for itshumane treatments and abuses. In recent years, the system has come under fire for its use of solitary confinement, which is a form of punishment that can be extremely harmful to inmates.

  1. File a complaint with the prison authorities.
  2. Contact a lawyer to help them protect their rights.
  3. File a lawsuit if they feel that abuse has occurred.

They can hire a lawyer who specializes in prison abuse cases. This person will educate them on how to seek reprieve through the law. If they are mistreated by fellow inmates, they can file a personal injury lawsuit. This always helps to draw attention to the level of abuse occurring in the facility.

The management of the facility can be held accountable for their negligence in the care of the patients.


The Lowell Correctional Facility Annex has become an integral part of rehabilitation for women offenders through their programs. The facility has its mode of operation, which stands it out among the other facilities of this nature. It has been reputed to be the largest correctional facility in Florida.

The facility houses only middle-aged female offenders.

The women’s prison in Texas houses offenders in different age groups, with the annex reserved for women over the age of 59. ..

In Florida, inmates are held in reception for a variety of reasons, including being processed for release or being held for trial. The length of time an inmate remains in reception varies depending on the reason.

The inmates usually don’t stay beyond five days, after which they are taken to their permanent cells. ..