Facts About Lincoln Penny

On the 100th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the United States Mint released a new coin called the Lincoln Cent or Penny. This new coin is made of copper and has a design featuring the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The obverse features a bust of Abraham Lincoln with his hair slicked back, and the reverse has a depiction of Liberty Enlightening The World.

Theodore Roosevelt was the president of the United States when this coin was established.

Victor David Brenner is the name of the designer who engraved Lincoln’s profile onto the Lincoln coin.

The coin features a religious inscription that reads, “In God We Trust.”

In a penny, other writings include “The United States of America” and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.” These two phrases translate to “Out of Many, One.”

The 2009 Lincoln penny released four different designs. ..

The Lincoln penny features two wheat stalks on either side. This design was changed in 1959, after complaints that it looked too similar to the Confederate flag. ..

In 1859, Abraham Lincoln was the first American president to feature a penny in the United States. The penny was created as part of a program to promote circulation of currency and to help support the country’s economy.

About Abraham Lincoln

In 1865, Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States. He was a major figure in American history and politics through the American Civil War and abolishing slavery throughout America. His story is inspiring from a poor livelihood to become a self-taught lawyer and create an impact on the social and political aspects of the nation.

In his life, William Thayer was a journalist, author, and historian. He wrote a biography of President Abraham Lincoln, which is accurate and based on real-life events. Thayer only had one term as president, and he was assassinated while he was doing what he loved - writing his biography.

Design Of Abraham Lincoln Penny

Victor David Brenner was the man behind the artistry involved in making and introducing the Lincoln Penny. He worked on other projects of engraving and sculpting with Abraham Lincoln as the subject. So he implemented a lot of similar designs from his previous projects to this newly established cents in 1909. Historians think that Brenner could have found inspiration from any photograph of the president but are not sure which one. ..

One photograph they suggest is, Lincoln reading a book to a child and more people believe it is true because there is a photo of Lincoln and his son together. Numerous claims happened during the time but we could not find the actual motive of the artist and it remains unclear. Brenner also added his full name to the coin, but then, president Theodore Roosevelt opposed it and asked to make it smaller in size and place it on the reverse side of the coin. ..


The Lincoln cent has not gone through any alterations since its first release in 1909. During World War II, most of the guns and other mechanical equipment were in higher production. And most of this equipment was made of copper and tin, which are the raw materials to produce a penny. To solve this problem, they used zinc and made the coins until the war ended. ..

The next major change happened in 1959 on Lincoln’s 150th birthday. It was a quick decision and changed the whole reverse side of the coin. They added Lincoln’s Memorial in the place of his profile engraved. Another change and the last change happened on Lincoln’s 200th birthday, 2009. This can be the major Modification to date because the treasury released four designs. Four different stages of Lincoln’s life.


People all over the world admire Abraham Lincoln for his story and what he has done for America. Money is a basic need in today’s world, and Abraham Lincoln is remembered for the things that can change your livelihood, even if it is a single penny.

A. The first U.S. president, Abraham Lincoln, was born in 1809 in a small town in Kentucky.

No one has ever featured in a coin before Abraham Lincoln. He is the first one and is popularly known as the Lincoln penny or Abraham LincolnCoin.

A. The Lincoln penny is made up of a copper alloy and has a design that is inspired by the Statue of Liberty.

The new iPhone is made of copper and steel with a zinc coating. ..