Does Marijuana Use Negatively Affect Driving Ability?
Marijuana has been shown to have negative effects on a user’s driving ability, concentration, and perception of time.
Many people who smoke marijuana believe that it makes them less likely to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. However, this is not supported by any scientific evidence. In fact, there are many studies that show marijuana use actually increases the risk of getting into a car accident. ..
Reasons for the risk of crashing your car are greatly increased under the influence of THC:
Studies have shown that marijuana use increases the risk of crashing your car. There are a few reasons for this: First, marijuana use impairs driving skills. Second, marijuana use increases the risk of getting into an accident. Third, marijuana use can increase anxiety levels, which can lead to reckless driving. Finally, marijuana use has been linked to increased rates of car accidents. ..
Reason 2: Marijuana can also cause a person to feel relaxed and sleepy. This can lead to a person being more likely to fall asleep at the wheel, which could result in a car accident. Marijuana use has also been linked with an increased risk of developing anxiety and depression.
The main reason THC can affect motor coordination is because it decreases brain activity in the corticostriatal network. This means that when high, you may have a harder time quickly switching between tasks and moving your body in reaction to an outside stimulus. ..
Reason three is that marijuana use impairs coordination and depth perception. Science has shown that THC reduces activity in large areas of the cerebellum, which inhibits coordination and the ability to precisely gauge distance. The same deficiencies in the cerebellum are exhibited under the influence of alcohol as well. ..
The myth that “driving under the influence of marijuana improves driving ability” may stem from several different origins. It may be true that an individual is 600 times more likely to cause an accident under the influence of alcohol, far more likely than if under the influence of marijuana. This comparison may fool an individual to conclude that driving high is safe. All this data indicates is that driving drunk is more dangerous than driving high. Though both are far more dangerous than driving without being under the influence of anything at all. ..
Comparison with drinks
Studies have shown that drunk drivers are more likely to drive far past the speed limit compared to high drivers. If anything, high drivers may overcompensate and drive much slower. This isn’t always safe either. Being high allows a driver to better recognize the degree of their impairment and therefore overcorrect by driving with excessive caution. This concept of overcompensation may lead smokers to believe they drive “safer” while high. However, this only means they recognize they aren’t in the safest position to drive.
When an individual is high on weed, their brain is overwhelmed with new information. This can cause confusion and a slower response rate when driving. When compared to a sober brain while driving, the likelihood of making the wrong, split-second decision increases.
Bad for Health
When an individual smokes weed, they may feel as if they are safe to drive hours after using it. However, this is not always the case. You’re better safe than sorry and take a cab or call a friend. Your life is too important.
The science is clear. Driving under the influence of cannabis is technically “safer” than under the influence of alcohol, but it doesn’t mean you should do it. What if you don’t react fast enough to that child running across the street, or you’re too distracted to notice the light already turned red? Cannabis has a long list of medicinal and social benefits. Driving performance isn’t one of them. Have fun but make responsible decisions. Your life isn’t the only life on the line.
Frequently asked questions:
Marijuana use can increase the risk of getting in an accident by up to 50%.
Marijuana use has been shown to increase the risk of accidents by 25%.
Smoking weed can impair your ability to drive, so it’s important to wait at least two hours after smoking before getting behind the wheel. ..
The general rule of thumb is to wait at least six hours after smoking or ingesting any substance before operating a vehicle. ..
It is illegal to drive high in most states.
In the United States, it is federally illegal to use or buy cannabis products. Although, many states have legalized recreational and/or medical use of marijuana. However, every state has made driving under the influence of marijuana illegal.