What is the Cost of a Bluefin Tuna?

Tuna is a highly-priced fish. Because you may not get it everywhere. US live Tuna is expected to cost from $5.42 to $4.81 per pound or around US$11.94 to US$10.6 per kg during the 2022s. The cost per kilogram in euros is 11.94 euros. In New York City And Washington, the median value of a tonne is US$11944.44

Cost of a Bluefin Tuna

Depending entirely on how it was collected or where you purchase it, Bluefin may be exorbitantly priced. Let’s get some idea about the market cost of your favourite Bluefin. The best tuna, which may cost up to avg $200 each pound, is said to be produced in Japan. A 600-pound,Tuna was bought worth $3,000,000 in Japan in 2019.Some variables affect the market cost of Bluefin. Bluefin should not be less priced, beyond how you select to buy it. Even though you may be spending a least $200 per pound for Bluefin in Tokyo, regional Bluefin retail costs may fluctuate from avg $20 to avg $40 each pound. Omatuna’s high period worth per pound may reach about avg $400. Let’s learn more about Bluefin."

Approximate Price of Bluefin Tuna

The median price of tuna in the US during 2018 was $3.80 per pound. This price fluctuates based on where you buy tuna, as the most valuable part, the steak, must have silvery skin removed by hand. ..

The fatty section of a fish’s face and neck is called the otoro. It can cost anywhere from $10 to $80 per piece, depending on the region and availability. ..

Why is the cost of Bluefin Tuna so exorbitant?

Bluefin tuna is a valuable seafood because it can fluctuate in price between $10 and more than $80. The most valuable section of the tuna is the back, where the fat side is found.

Bluefin’s retail price in 2022

The high demand for Bluefin tuna has driven up the price of this expensive fish, making it harder to find. Commercial fishing and the expenses of operating trade in Japanese regions have increased the cost of each pound. However, if exploitation continues, the costs may go up and there will be less Bluefin available for purchase. Outside of Japan, Bluefin is common in seafood kitchens all over the world. Some farms collect Bluefin along the American East Coast and on the Gulf coast. ..

The US live Tuna industry pricing Before 2019s, the worth of a kilogram of live Tuna was US$5.92 in 2017 and US$10.60 in 2018.The exporting cost increased by 15.304 per cent in 2019s to $12.22 per kg.

Shipment Cost

In the 2017s, 2018s, and 2019s, the overall shipping prices for live Tuna to the US were US$ 290, US$ 265 and US$ 215 in US $ thousand. It fluctuates from time to time. Even geography matters.

Which fish may replace the Bluefin Tuna?

There are many substitutes for Bluefin tuna, some of which are becoming more popular as the price of this seafood rises. Cooks have looked for alternatives to avoid the high cost of this fish, and they are finding that they like them better. The world’s resources are being strained by the cost of Bluefin tuna, but there is no need to feel sad about it. ..


Bluefin tuna is a well-known and highly respected sushi ingredient in Japan and recently gained popularity in America and Europe. The popularity is unsurprisingly quite strong, given the reduced populations of tuna and the amazing and occasionally absurd advertising gimmicks. However, if you want to try out some of the alternatives which are found in your local fishnets, you may do so.