Walmart has been dealing with shoplifting for many years now. This has given them a lot of experience in how to deal with thieves. In this article, we will explain to you about the most stolen items, theft tracking, punishments, and false accusations that Walmart has faced in the past. We hope that this will help you understand why Walmart is so successful at preventing theft from happening.

Most Stolen Items At Walmart

In 2021, Walmart was the most targeted store for theft. The meat was the most stolen item from Walmart and other retailers. Other top items stolen from Walmart in 2021 were alcohol, food, jewelry, cosmetics, smartphones, accessories, OTC medications, portable electronics, razors, clothing, video games and baby formula. It is hard to believe that even water gets stolen. It mostly happens when the employees forget to scan the bottle. ..

Walmart’s theft prevention measures include tracking the movements of employees and the items they steal, as well as analyzing the footage from security cameras to identify patterns. The company also uses facial recognition software to identify thieves.

Theft Tracking At Walmart

Walmart uses artificial intelligence, security cameras, and loss prevention associates to track theft. This helps to prevent thefts from occurring and makes it easier for customers to find their items if they are lost or stolen.

Walmart’s theft tracking methods are unique and help to ensure that your data is protected. By using these methods, Walmart can track the movement of your items and identify any potential thieves.

Walmart is increasing the number of security cameras in high-theft areas, but they are not being installed in dressing and employee break rooms and toilets.

Loss prevention associates are roaming throughout the store in casual dress. They are looking for suspicious customer behavior. Once they find the thieves, they stop them at the exit to decide their punishment. However, loss prevention associates might not physically touch or run behind the thieves. ..

Walmart is using artificial intelligence to track products that get into customers’ bags before they are scanned at the counter. ..

Punishment For Theft At Walmart

Walmart employees are more likely to get caught if they steal large quantities of items. If the employee is detained, they might have to appear in court. ..

Walmart can ask the customers to pay a fine and leave the store if the stolen items are worth a small amount. They might land in jail if they lead the store to a considerable loss. Their names get added to Walmart’s database. Thus, they cannot apply for a position in the store. They might even get banned for a lifetime if they remain adamant about committing the crime.

Getting Accused Of Stealing

Walmart is often accused of stealing, but it’s important to consider whether or not you have a case before filing. Employees at Walmart take care to gather enough evidence before accusing someone of theft, so the chances of winning in court are lower. Suing Walmart for typical incidents is possible, but it might be a waste of time for both the individual and the store. ..


Walmart has been trying to improve its theft prevention methods for many years. So, thieves cannot expect it to drop the charges. The store has seen many issues related to stealing over many years. So, it has come up with better theft tracking methods, punishments, and evidence. The thief can only be a customer or an employee, but the store does not tolerate stealing.

Walmart is a large retailer with a strong presence in many countries. In 2021, its revenue was $559 billion and it lost around $3 billion per annum. However, Walmart knows its value and is able to maintain a high level of profitability.

One in fifty people are arrested for shoplifting, and only a fraction of those cases result in prosecution. This is because shoplifting is not a major crime most of the time, and retailers have to focus on more serious offenses. This shows how shoplifting is becoming a growing threat for retailers. ..

Most shoplifters are adults and teenagers, and only a few are professional shoplifters. The vast majority of shoplifters do not resell the items they steal, but stealing becomes critical if the shoplifters can sell the items at a higher price. ..