A status is a short expression of one’s feelings, thought, ideas, opinion, or information shared with friends on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, Snapchat, LinkedIn.

Reasons why you cannot see someone updated status

Every social media network has an algorithm that measures interaction level. The more you interact with a post, the more you get to know the poster. This is especially important in relationships, where communication is vital for building a strong connection. Your level of interaction with people’s posts influences how often you see their updated statuses. Using Facebook as an example, if you interact with a post more than any other user, you’re more likely to see its updated status. If you want to frequently see someone’s statuses, learn to like and comment on every post you have viewed and read. If you don’t see their updated status after interacting with it, it might be time to check in on them more closely. ..

When you are not friends with people, you cannot see their statuses. This means that there is no connection between you and the other person. To start a conversation, Mr. Peter will have to say hello to Mr. James and Mr. James will have to say Hi to Mr. Peter. Thereafter, communication has ensued. To see someone’s status, send them a friend request or follow them. In a case where you see someone’s status, you are not friends with it if that person is either your friend or they liked or commented on the post about that person. ..

When you are blocked, it means that you can no longer see the person’s profile and status, your paths cannot meet because that person has become invincible to you. When you can no longer see someone’s updated status it could mean that you have been blocked. In a case where this happens, it means that your friendship is no longer impactful. It could also mean that you have been posting some unappealing posts which led to them blocking you.

If someone you are friends with unfriends you, it means they have removed you from their friend zone. You are no longer friends and can’t see their status directly, but you can still see their posts on your timeline and follow them on social media. To see their statuses, you have to search for them and go to their profile page. So, the next time you can’t see their updated status find out if you have been unfriended because that can be the reason why you are not seeing their updated status.

Why do we find some statuses interesting?- Let’s Find Out

We eagerly await the posts of those who hold informative statuses, as their posts offer us valuable insights. By reading their posts, we gain a better understanding of the world around us. ..

Some statuses are discouraging- In the world we live in, there are downs and lows, any post that tends to depress and motivate us, we want to avoid such status.

Some statuses are funny- we also follow people that share funny and comic posts, and we tend to keep abreast of their posts. Yeah, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, a little laughter can help relieve stress. ..


When you can’t see their post, it means one of these rules has been applied. To see their updated status send them a friend request, follow them and interact with their post. To know if you have been blocked or unfriended use a friend’s phone to see if he can see their post.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow users to share their thoughts and feelings with the world. Status is a tool that can be used to show off one’s personality and connect with others.

If you have an existing friend who is a mutual friend of someone you unfriended, then you can come across that post too.