What are SKU numbers?
The SKUs for your products can help you and your department identify different products sold through your e-commerce site. By keeping track of these numbers, you can ensure that each product is sold at a specific price and with a specific label.
How do you identify an SKU number?
Each SKU number is unique to each product sold by the e-commerce site, only in some cases differs based on some minor variations like depending upon the brand, color, size, style, or price.
The blue, green, and red colors are the three primary colors in the world. They are used to identify different things and to make things stand out.
How does an SKU number matter to your business?
- SKU numbers are a way to track the inventory of your e-commerce store and make sure that you’re not overloading your shelves with products that you don’t need.
- SKU numbers can also help you to identify potential buyers who may be interested in your product but haven’t yet made a purchase.
- SKU numbers can also help you to track the progress of your online store, and make sure that you’re meeting customer demand as quickly as possible.
Creating and organizing SKUs for your products from the beginning will help you get into the rhythm and groove of selling the items from the e-commerce site without facing any organizing difficulties later. Having an SKU number for a product for each item you offer to sell from your online business will help you get effective and valuable information about it and help you to: Track the productHow many products soldHow many are currently in stockComparing the current stock with the inventory management system
Knowing these aspects about your products will help you provide effective customer service, achieve growth for your e-commerce site, and help with various tax purposes.
Importance of SKUs in merchant-retailer relationships
The merchant-retailer relationship could be beneficial to your e-commerce site because it allows customers who are not interested in seeing the SKU number on the product pages to purchase the product anyway without having to worry about it. This would help you save time and money, which is always a valuable commodity.
A well-functioning SKU system will help you develop a smoother and more efficient communication with your business’s retail partners. With time, the business will grow and there will be more demand for different types of products, so implementing an efficient SKU system will let you manage your inventory more effectively and also help you in terms of forecasting the products.SKU numbers will help you get over all the associated challenges regarding merchant-retailer relationships and have a streamlined service.
Go to the SKU page on your ecommerce store and input the product’s SKU number.
The SKU number will appear in a field on the right-hand side of the page.
To create a new SKU, simply enter the number in the field and click on the “CreateSKU” button.
The new SKU will be created and you will be able to access it from your store’s “SKUs” page.
Make sure your SKU numbers are unique and easy to remember.
Keep track of the order quantity and shipping time for each SKU number.
Use unique SKU numbers for each product on your e-commerce site.
SKU numbers should start with a letter that represents the highest category, for example T-shirts should be uniquely mentioned at the beginning. Do not use letters that could represent or interpret as numbers.
If you have any questions or concerns about the SKU number mentioned in this article, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at 1-800-123-4567 and we will be more than happy to help.
Frequently answered questions
A barcode is a unique identifier for a product, it is assigned to it by the seller and is different from an SKU number.
The SKU numbers for a product are unique to the company selling the product. Although, they can have the same barcode or UPC numbers.