If you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it within 14 days for a refund. The process of initiating a return is done on ThredUP’s website. Once the process is complete and the item you wanted to return has reached ThredUP, it will undergo a screening process and some quality checks. Once they approve that the items are in good condition and have the tags intact, the return will be completed and a refund will be initiated. A $1.99 restocking fee is charged along with it. Then, the payment will be refunded to your preferred mode. ..

How to qualify for a return for your ThredUp purchase?

If you are dissatisfied with your ThredUP purchase or are facing size, fit, or quality issues, you can return the item. Ensure that you return the items within 14 days from the delivery date. On orders that arrive in multiple shipments, you must keep in mind the delivery date for each of them separately. If the period of two weeks from the delivery date has elapsed then the window for a return of items will close. Make sure that the products are in good condition. The products must have their original tags intact if the item was new with tags. If not, then it must have the tag of ThredUP intact. Some items are marked as ‘final sale’ and cannot be returned. You must read the shipping policy for each separate clothing item mentioned on the website to confirm if the items are returnable or not. ..

Refund of Payment- 

  1. If you have not received your order, please contact us at 1-800-282-9393 and we will do our best to get it to you as soon as possible.
  2. If you have received your order but are not satisfied with it, please return it within 30 days and we will process a refund for you.
  3. If you have already used your product and are not satisfied with it, please return it within 60 days and we will process a refund for you.

When ThredUP is responsible for shipping, then the money is refunded back to your original payment method. ThredUP will provide the shipping label. They charge an additional refund fee of $8.99, which is deducted from your refund amount.

When you arrange for the shipping, you are responsible for paying the return shipping cost and dropping off the package at the post office. Ensure that the tracking number and receipt are with you and choose a reliable courier company. The refund will be credited to the original method of payment. No extra charges other than the restocking fee will be deducted. ..

ThredUP is offering a refund in the form of store credit. This refund will be non-cashable store credit on the ThredUP website. Shipping labels will be provided for free if this method is chosen.

How can I return an item?

Thredup offers a variety of ways to return products, including online, in-store, or by mail. First, you must log in to your account. Then go to the returns page where your previous orders are listed. Select the product you want to return and choose a reason for doing so. Then choose your preferred mode of refund and confirm the return request. Once your request has been initiated, you can proceed to print the return label. Pack your product in secure packaging. Then attach the shipping label so that it is legible and then drop your package off at your nearest Post Office. Once your package has reached Thredup, the refund will be made to your previously chosen mode of reimbursement. In case of any problems faced, contact ThredUP’s customer assistance and they will connect you to a customer representative to solve your query. Ensure you provide your order number and return ID so they can look into the matter.


If you’re looking for sustainable clothing and accessories, ThredUP is the perfect place to shop. Now that you know the return policy, it’s time to stock up on high-quality items!

  1. What is the purpose of the item?
  2. Is it a new product or an update to an existing product?

Ans. All items are secondhand and may have some wear and tear.

Their restocking fee is what you pay when you return a product that has been used.

Ans. They charge $1.99 per item for online orders and $3.99 per item for in-store orders.

Shipping can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the item and the shipping method chosen. ..

Orders are usually fulfilled within 3-9 days after placement of order. ..