1. You broke the site’s terms of service.
  2. You posted content that is illegal, abusive, or threatening.
  3. You posted content that violates our community guidelines.
  4. Your account has been inactive for a period of time (30 days or more).
  5. Your account has been flagged for spamming or advertising purposes. ..

The United States has a problem with its citizens’ personal data. This is because the country has a problem with fraud, which is when someone takes advantage of people’s weaknesses in order to get money or other items they want. This can be a problem for the United States because it doesn’t have a lot of money, and it doesn’t have a lot of resources to fight fraud.

If you frequently order items such as electronics and other expensive items from countries with a high fraud rate, your account may be blocked. If you keep changing your address and billing information on the platform, this could be seen as suspicious activity by the platform’s security system and your account may be suspended. ..

Your method of payment is not secure and could be used to fraudulently receive money.

What To Do To Recover It? 

After learning about the suspension, we want to get your account unbanned and back to business as quickly as possible.


  1. In this new digital buying era, consumers can experience having their account blocked.
  2. However, if anything, this post should have cleared up a few points.
  3. First and foremost, double-check that all of your personal and financial information is accurate and full before making any purchases.
  4. Secondly, committing fraud does not pay; it gets you banned from your account, so don’t do it!
  5. However, being banned from your account isn’t the death knell it appears to be – you can get your account back in no time if you work with the support team. ..

Yes, it is the same as being banned if your account is suspended.

If a support representative takes longer than 48 hours to reinstate my account, I may be able to receive a refund or a new account.

If a support representative takes longer than 48 hours to reinstate or account or even get back to you about its progress, you can have them contact you or vice versa.

If the representative cannot produce evidence to support their claim, they may be unable to make a case for the bill.

This would make it very difficult to support your appeal and thus make it impossible to reinstate your account, so it would be in your best interest to get all of the documents/evidence you need.